Helmstead Miniature Goats

Nigerian Dwarf Goats



Kidding Schedule


Goats for Sale

Goats for Sale

Please read our Sales Policy before purchasing. Our current CAE (etc) testing can be viewed here (will redirect you to Facebook).

**We are located in CENTRAL FLORIDA, no longer in Indiana**

Does for Sale


Helmstead Minis T Ciao Bella

October 19, 2018

roaned chamoisee with extensive white overlay; blue eyes

*B Helmstead Minis LL Throne *S  x Helmstead Minis P Farfalla 2*M/2*D/2*DD GCH BU Top Ten Milker


Exposed but ultrasounded as open 1/28/25.  Produces stunning kids and is a willing, generous milker.  Has plenty of good breeding years left in her!  I will provide a breeding memo if she turns up bred.  LIMITED TIME OFFER.  Once she's confirmed bred, she will stay to freshen.


Bucks for Sale


None available at this time...


Wethers for Sale

Our wethers come with AGS applications!  Discounts for 2+!


None available at this time...




Bucks    Does    Kidding Schedule    Kids