Nigerian Dwarf Goats |
Goats for Sale
Please read our Sales Policy before purchasing. Our current CAE (etc) testing can be viewed here (will redirect you to Facebook). **We are located in CENTRAL FLORIDA, no longer in Indiana** |
Does for Sale |
Helmstead Minis T Ciao Bella October 19, 2018 roaned chamoisee with extensive white overlay; blue eyes *B Helmstead Minis LL Throne *S x Helmstead Minis P Farfalla 2*M/2*D/2*DD GCH BU Top Ten Milker $700.00 Exposed but ultrasounded as open 1/28/25. Produces stunning kids and is a willing, generous milker. Has plenty of good breeding years left in her! I will provide a breeding memo if she turns up bred. LIMITED TIME OFFER. Once she's confirmed bred, she will stay to freshen.
Bucks for Sale |
None available at this time...
Wethers for Sale Our wethers come with AGS applications! Discounts for 2+! |
None available at this time... $ |
Bucks Does Kidding Schedule Kids